dr. julius | ap
the-solo-project art fair, Basel/Switzerland

_ June 12 through 16, 2013

dr. julius | ap presents at the-solo-project art fair, Basel/Switzerland:

Stephan Ehrenhofer [AT] – Conceptual Concrete Art

kilim k-0035 [detail], 2013. dyed wool, 180×230 cm

The key to understanding the inner relationships in all of Stephan Ehrenhofer’s artistic activities is to be found in his work in the master class for tapestry in the context of his art studies at the Academy for Applied Arts in Vienna. The engagement with the time-honoured techniques, handicraft characteristics and image-forming methods of tapestry-making, with the aim of carrying this form of expression over into contemporary art, determines – in all the multifaceted fields of his activity and the most diverse groups of work in nearly three decades of continuous artistic production – the basic repertoire of his creative searching. For him it is a question, according to a predetermined concept and its resulting plan, of giving form to the essence of his engagement: to create, using the most varied of materials, with their inherent connections and the combinations derived from them, works and groups of work, in whose respective manifestations his other themes, such as the interaction of colour and colour space, structures and systems, as well as their ruptures and contradictions, may be identified. This immediately implies that his works always evolve entirely out of themselves and their inner, conceptually developed logic, and hence are free of any trace of representation, of symbolism or expression.

Siegfried Kreitner [DE] – Minimal Kinetic Sculpture

Bodenarbeit IV, 2012. Aluminium, coloured acrylic glass, neon system discharging blue, 4 electric motors, 4 Geneva drives, 43 x 43 x 33/36 cm

Siegfried Kreitner’s artistic exploration is based on the parameters of form, movement, time, space, and color, which has come to play an increasing role in his work. Kreitner builds steles, columns, cubes and, recently, flat squares and small cylinders from aluminum, stainless steel, Plexiglas, neon tubes and electric motors, which represent a complex system of mechanical movement based on geometric shapes. All of the shapes are based on mathematical forms such as the rectangle, square, or circle and exude exactness and precision.
Despite the positively dust-free execution of the technical constructions, which Siegfried Kreitner laboriously crafts on a lathe, the effect of his pieces is neither sterile nor cold. Kreitner combines a perfectly engineered use of precise geometric forms, cool neon light and minimal motion in sculptures which breathe with life despite the fact that they are by definition artificial.

Anjalie Chaubal, M.A.; Director of the City Gallery Cordonhaus Cham
dr. julius | ap @ the-solo-project
Booth A 9
St. Jakobshalle
Brüglingerstraße 19-21
Free tickets available. Please contact info@dr-julius.de