Daniel Göttin [CH] *1959 in Basel [CH]Lebt und arbeitet in Basel [CH] drj Programmkünstler seit 2012 www.danielgoettin.ch, www.hebel121.org FILTER-KARO-KIESEL, 2016, Transparent adhesive tape, aluminium tape, white ribbon on, 240cm/1500cm/1500cm Trinkhalle at Kurbrunnenanlage Kunst, Lokal, Rheinfelden, Schweiz. © Daniel Göttin and Gerda Maise Messestand Präsentation @ POSITIONS 2018, diverse Arbeiten STATION TO STATION, 2016. Six part installation along the promanade Musashi Urawa – Besshonuma Park, Saitama Saitama Triennale 2016 Envisioning the Future! Saitama, Japan Ausstellung THE PATTERN IS SET, 2016, drj art projects, Berlin Ausstellung THE PATTERN IS SET, 2016, drj art projects, Berlin RED FRAMES, 2019. Permanent Wallpainting, Pedestrian passage at Station Zuid Biennal Art Zuid 19, Amsterdam, Niederlande TILT, 2017. Acrylic on brick wall, gravel stones, 296cm/458cm, AC4CA Urban Orchard Wall Project Australian Centre for Concrete Art Perth, Australia. Photo: Helen Smith NETWORK 61, 2018. Aluminium tape, adhesive textile tape Basement, St. Louis, France hier da da dort, 2016. Installation view, Galerie Wenger, Zürich, Schweiz. Foto: Reto Kaufmann, © Galerie Wenger, Zürich Ausstellungen und Beteiligungen: